The current biggest threat to life on this planet is mankind, but it's really not that big of a threat. We don't have to technology to finish the job, and life is adaptable. Chernobyl is now home to a thriving ecosystem. Sure, there are the odd mutations, but Life is thriving, as it does in few places on Earth - for the simple reason that people don't go there much anymore.
The biggest threat to mankind is mankind, a much greater threat than to Life, but still... people are so pervasive across the planet that some will survive most anything. I suspect mankind would be reduced to living like animals well before complete annihalation.
The biggest threat to society... now we are getting somewhere, however I don't know where to begin... overpopulation, famine, war, global warming, poverty, disease, pollution... I'm sure that there are a lot of others that aren't springing to my mind. It won't do any good to fix just one or two of these. They are all inter-related. The best we can do is adopt the strategy of someone who has spent well beyond their means and racked up bills on a dozen credit cards. Fix each to the full extent that we must, and if we have anything left over put it on the one that will make make the biggest difference.”
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