Friday, December 23, 2011

Vanna, Can I Have a Vowel That Isn't Schizoid?

Consider the following lists of words:

(11) Bait, Fate, Hey, Hay, Sleigh, Fillet, Eh, Cache, Brae, Yea, Crazy
(7) Beet, Read, Crete, Brie, Me, Leigh, Key
(10) Bite, By, High, Hi, Height, Tie, Rye, Buy, Eye, Why
(9) Boat, Toe, So, Sew, Sow, Dough, Whoa, Beau, Code
(13) Flute, Glue, Bleu, Flew, Flu, Shoe, To, Too, Two, You, Pooh, Lieu, Queue
(2) Bat, Matte
(3) Bet, Read, Whet,
(3) Bit, Business, Get
(9) Hot, Caught, Bought, Saw, Awe, Ah, Father, Yacht, Gone
(5) But, Blood, Love, What, Of
(2) Book, Should
(5) Cow, Couch, Drought, Sauerkraut, Route
(3) Boy, Boil, Freud

That is 82 ways to make 13 vowel sounds!  And, I think that all but two of you, like me, are thinking this is a bit unreasonable.  One of you, the linguist, is frowning, "you missed a few vowel sounds, and jumbled another two together."  To this I reply, "I'm just a concerned layman who is sick of this goofy language, and I never said this was a comprehensive list.  And those two sound the same, here on the west coast."  The other one, the etymologist, is trying to justify this madness with something like, "These alternate spellings help to identify the origin of the words and their meanings."  Which sounds good and all, but, "Mr. Fancypants word doctor, take a look at the next lists of words and tell me, with a straight face, that you aren't just trying to mess with our heads!"

Crazy, Batty, Walk
Love, Gone, Code
To, So, Of, Hot
Eight, Height, Leigh
Boo, Blood, Book

I could do more, if I wasn't tired of highlighting.  Am I the only one who thinks that we could have a more literate society if we made the effort to clean this stuff up?

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