Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mr. Multz at the Grocery Store

Sir!!  Do you work here?

Why, yes, I do.  How can I help you today?

 I have an issue with this loaf of bread.  I purchased it here last week.
(Mr. Multz holds up a bread bag with only one slice left in it.)
(Grocer examines the mostly empty bag of bread.)
 Umm...  What was wrong with it?

It was a slice short!

 Excuse me?

 Are you deaf man!  The loaf of bread was a slice short!  This brand of bread always has twenty slices, which works well for making sandwiches.  Except this time.  This loaf is missing a slice!

Are you certain it didn't have an extra slice in it.  You know, like a baker's dozen.  Although I guess this would be more like a baker's score...

 Oh, I am certain.  I always make two sandwiches a day - one for now and one for later.  I opened the bag five days ago, and it is later, which means this loaf is a slice short.

Are you certain someone else didn't else didn't make a half sandwich?

 A what?

 A half sandwich.  You know, you fold a single slice in half and you make a sandwich that way.

 I live alone.

And you never have a slice of toast in the morning?  With butter and jam?  Nothing starts the day like a slice of toast.

Not during this time of year.  And when I have toast, I always make two slices.  It's a waste of electricity to only make one slice!

How about chilli?  Because when I eat chilli, I like to use a slice of bread, lightly buttered, to mop up the juice at the bottom of the bowl.

 My stomach can't handle chilli.  Now, what I want to know, is what are you going to do about this loaf of bread?

 Do you have your receipt?

 Why on Earth would I save the receipt for a loaf of bread?

 In case you found something wrong with it, like say, it was missing a slice.

 Are you mocking me, sir!

Sorry, just trying to break the tension.

What are you going to do about this loaf of bread?!?

 Let's see.  $4.00 a loaf by 20 slices...  20 cents a slice...
(Fishes in pocket for change)
 How about a quarter?

   I'll take it.
 Sorry for the inconvineance, but I really have something I have to get to.

 I understand.  So long.

(Grocer heads to the breakroom.)

 Gary, are you up for a half sandwich today?

 Sure!  Thanks.

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