Friday, December 2, 2011

Statistician Wannabe

I once thought of being a statistician for a while.  I've always held a special place in my heart for mathematics.  When you view the world in terms of numbers, it kind of gives you a different perspective on things.

For instance, have you ever considered the significance of the number of squares there are on a roll of toilet paper.  There's a lot of variation between brands.  I mean, you can have 176, 242, 250, 130, 165.... It goes on and on.  There are no standards, and literally no common denominators here.

Now, you combine this information with the number of squares used per.. application, and the number of applications used per sitting, and you come up with some interesting statistics.  Personally, I typically use four sheets at a time and have to wipe anywhere from six to nine times, but I'm pretty sure that my pooh is a little stickier than most peoples', and the average is probably more like 3-5 wipes.

Additionally, guys, if you have a woman in the household, you've got problems... as I'm sure you were already aware.  But you may not have considered the impact they have on your toilet paper consumption equations.  They're just plumbed different, and have more uses for toilet paper than you do, with each use requiring different amounts of paper.

One final factor in the TP dynamic is that occasionally, you get stuck on the toilet and have a runny nose.  Unless you're not concerned with blowing a hole through and getting snot all over your hand, you're going to have to use a bit more paper here than normal.

Some of you may be wondering - just where the heck am I going with all this?  

Allow me to explain.

Taking all of these toilet paper tid-bits into consideration, a family of four should only end up with an empty roll left on the hanger once every twelve to thirteen days.  If it's occurring any more frequently than this, one of two things is happening.

It may be that someone is saying to themselves, "There's not a whole lot of toilet paper left on the roll.  I think I want to finish up with one extra-cooshy wipe today."

On the other hand, they may be saying, "Crud.  The roll's empty.  I could waddle over to the cupboard under the sink, with my pants down around my ankles, and get another roll.  Or...  You know.... I probably got most of it off with that last wipe anyway.  I think I'll just say 'good enough', zip up, and be on my way."

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